Monday, June 22, 2009

Some more pictures

I meant to put these on Chloe's birthday post, but I didn't have enough time to wait for them to upload. So here are a couple more Chloe pics for your enjoyment.

And you know what? While we're at it, here are a few Leyla pics.Sweet hair.

The bad news is that the camera has been MIA for several days now. That's not good. And the apartment's not even messy and cluttered yet, so I really don't know where it is.

In other news, my divorce court date is tomorrow. And if everything goes according to plan, I will be divorced tomorrow afternoon. I wish that being divorced would give me some sort of assurance that Miguel will stop being such an ass. Unfortunately, I don't think it'll change his behavior one bit. I was putting together my paperwork for the divorce tomorrow, and I'd forgotten just how horrible some of the things he said/wrote to me were. Lately his focus has been on Shane, but for first 2 months of the separation, his focus was on me, and he said some HORRIBLE things. And I didn't even save the worst of it! I need to take all my recorded conversations and printed e-mails, blog comments, phone records, etc to court tomorrow to get the judge to agree that I don't need to give Miguel my address. I'm not comfortable with him knowing exactly where I live. If he ever actually wants to visit the girls, we can meet at a public location. If he needs to send something to me, he can send it to my work address. I really don't see any reason why he needs to know where I live. And hopefully the judge will see it that way, too.

Well, I guess I should get some rest. I don't want to be all groggy and out of sorts at court tomorrow. I'm kind of nervous. I've never been to court before. I'm not looking forward to it at all. I can't believe I'll be 24, never married, but once divorced tomorrow. This is certainty not how I envisioned my life turning out. But, with as much bullshit that Miguel has been giving me, I just need to remember that half of the DNA of those two beautiful little girls came from him, and I wouldn't have them if it weren't for his X chromosome. So, if having Chloe and Leyla in my life means I have to deal with a verbally abusive man for the rest of my life, then I guess that's a trade-off that I'm willing to learn to deal with.


crazy lady said...

Sweet pics! Nice smiles, hair and girls!

Brittany said...

Oh man, I love Leyla's crazy hair. It really is amazing. I hope everything went well for you at court this week...hope things get better after it's all over!