Sunday, August 30, 2009

I'm a dork!

I don't appear to be keeping up with my blog like I used to now that I made it private. Oh well. And I'm still not going to do a good post. Just want to write this down before I forget it.

Last week we had Shane over for dinner. He was teasing Chloe, as he's prone to doing. I heard this conversation from the other room:

Shane (to Chloe): You're a turkey butt!
Chloe: I'm not a turkey butt... I'm a dork!
Shane: (laughs) I stand corrected.

Yesterday was a fairly successful day, as far as my ability to function as a single mother is concerned. I successfully completed a trip to the nursery to find out why my plants are dying, a trip to the mall to get flip-flops, a stop by the house to pick up the mail and shut off the power, AND a trip to McDonald's as a reward for the girls behaving themselves through all aforementioned activities. Everything went very well until it was time to leave McDonald's. The girls were playing on the outdoor activity thing, and I noticed Leyla had a stinky diaper, and it was past nap time, so I told them it was time to go. That news was not received well. I ended up having to drag them out of McDonalds, sans shoes, and Leyla bit me twice.

After nap time, I took the girls to the beach. Once again, with no help from anyone. We had a nice time. The waves were calmer than last week, so that was good.

The point is, I did a lot yesterday with the girls, with no help from any other adults. Not even random strangers (which does happen a lot when I'm out with them and I'm having a hard time).

I can't say today is going to go as well. Currently, Leyla is crawling around on top of the table and Chloe's whining about her turkey lid on the floor. Maybe we'll go to the pool later. I've noticed we all tend to get a long better when we're not in the apartment all day.

1 comment:

crazy lady said...

They're both wrong. She's a cutie pie!
I'm glad you had good day yesterday. Remember that day when you have both of them wailing and you're tired and feeling out of control. It will happen, but you CAN do it. I'm proud of you and know that you can do whatever you set your mind to do.
You're amazing.