Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

Of course I didn't start on these costumes until the night before Halloween. Just following tradition, I suppose. My mom came up with the idea of Thing 1 and Thing 2, and I loved it! I just wish I'd started a little earlier so that I could have made a cat in the hat costume for myself. But I got theirs done in time, and that's what counts. I was pretty surprised at how easily I was able to put this all together. I made the little red suits by looking at a pair of footie p.j.s. I sewed the first sleeve on wrong twice, and the last sleeve wrong once. But other than that, no problems. Except for Chloe's massive head. The "wigs" are little fleece beenies I made and sewed a feather boa to the top. But Chloe's head is so huge that her boa didn't quite cover all the hat.

We took the girls out trick or treating as soon as it got dark outside.The first stop we made was to Shane's step-grandparent's house. We stopped and visited a little bit, but it was so hot in their house, and both of us knew the girls had to be burning up in those costumes and hats, so we kept the visit pretty short. We took them to about 10 houses all together. It took a little explaining to Chloe to get her not to walk into the people's house when the opened the door. They were pretty much professionals by the end of the night. A couple asked is they could take a picture of the girls with their baby since they loved the girls' costumes so much.

These pictures are from last weekend. Pumpkin painting. The girls had a pretty good time. But I left the pumpkins outside, and then we got a cold front, and then it warmed back up, and the paint flaked off the pumpkins. Darn.


crazy lady said...

That was well worth the wait! The costumes look amazing! And the girls look so adorable! You did a fantastic job.
Love the pumpkin painting. They look pretty into it with their cute aprons.
THANKS SO MUCH for the pictures.

Lost Woman said...

Another banner costume year! That is a great one.

Don't knock that big noggin of Chloe's. She comes by it naturally and will likely be a genius because of it!

oscar said...

I really like these costumes. The girls look adorable. Nice work!

Devin and Chelsey said...

Oh how fun, and VERY adorable costumes! You really did a fantastic Job Kelsey!

michandler said...

Great work on the costumes. They are perfect. Saw all these on Facebook too. Adorable as always. You are too clever by far!

Brittany said...

Love the costumes! You're so dang crafty and I'm jealous. I love to sew, but your skill puts me to shame. For sure.