Why? Well, mostly because I don't like waiting for pictures to upload. And since I only have a few minutes left on my lunch break, two photos for today will have to suffice. So here they are. These photos were taken at Earth Day/Bay Day, which took place the weekend before Earth Day. The girls each "caught" a catfish at one of the venues. Leyla's catch consisted of the guy working there re-hooking a fish that someone else had caught really sneaky-like and then putting the fish back in the water, and handing the pole to Leyla. It was cute.
I suppose another reason I never posted last month would be because the OCD component of my Borderline Personality has been in overdrive as of late. I keep starting projects and I get completely consumed by them and lose sleep and put off other things I probably should be doing (like keeping the house clean... or eating). The project which I obsessed over the most was the fish tank project.
Our neighbor gave us a big aquarium, (somewhere around 60 gallons), and I began working on a sump and filtration set-up. After about two weeks of planning and cutting and gluing, I finished the sump. Only have it start leaking a day after setting it up. So then starting making felt critters. Then I began on my current project- sewing little girl dresses. And last weekend I started up round two of the sump endeavor.
Also, I've started riding my bike to work on a regular basis, which has also taken a decent chunk out of what little free time I have. However, it's worth it. In the morning, the girls and I walk to their daycare. It's just a little over a half a mile. We check out all the flowers and kitties, and we talk about pedestrian safety. It's been a really, really great experience. I bring my bike along and walk with it until I drop the girls off, and then I ride to work. By doing this, I made a tank of gas last nearly a month. I also dropped about 8 pounds, and I get to spend a little more quality time with my kids without being distracted by housework and TV and whatever else it is that takes my attention away from them at home.
Well that's it for today. I'm thinking that I may just do smaller posts with few pictures for the next little while. Since I can do a post at work on lunch break, I'll make it a goal to do one post a week so I don't get to backlogged and overwhelmed. We'll see how long that lasts...
It is awesome that in both pictures the guy is holding the fish the girls just grinning.
I think its super cool that you are walking with the girls to daycare and then biking to work.
The focused time the girls get with you is priceless.
Looking forward to seeing the results of some of your projects. Dresses, felt..fishtanks. You have me interested.
Those two certainly have their prioriities straight. Smile for the camera - don't touch the fish.
The time spent walking with the girls is wonderful. And well worth it in quality time, weight loss and exercise.
You have always been a do-er and looks like you've been in overdrive of late. I think the short post more often idea is grand. I'll be checking your site more frequently then.
Thanks for the update!
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