Sunday, June 28, 2009

Birthday Cake

All Chloe really wanted for her birthday was chocolate cake. She's old enough that I probably could have tried to throw her an actual party, but considering all the goings-on and the fact that I don't like large groups of people (especially large groups of kids), I opted for cake and ice cream with close friends. I made a huge, tasty chocolate cake (the exact same I made for her last year since she talked about it for months after her birthday) and invited Shane and his kids over for cake and ice cream. The bad news is that I still haven't found my camera, so I had to take pictures with my old camera, and a lot of them were out of focus.

After ice cream, Shane and the kids invited us over to Uncle Joe's to go swimming. The girls had a great time and Chloe actually put her head under water! That's pretty big progress for her. I know when I was little, I wouldn't put my head under water until about 3rd grade. So way to go Chloe!

This party took place exactly a week ago, back before Miguel finally won and either scared or annoyed Shane to the point where he'll no longer see us.

1 comment:

crazy lady said...

That's one tasty looking cake! No wonder Chloe talked about it for so long last year. Looks like a perfect little celebration to me. Hard to believe it's been three years! She's a cutie.