Saturday, July 4, 2009


Well, all my hard work is finally starting to pay off. Take a look.

I took the girls with me this morning and I finished installing the quarter round and got all the cracks filled with caulk. I did some touch-up work on the paint in the living room, dining room, exterior doors, and laundry room. There's still a lot of work to do, but I'm finally starting to feel like the end is in sight.

And in case you haven't obsessed about the maroon carpet as much as I have, here's a little reminder of what the living room used to look like...
This view is the same as this, except I'm standing further back in the new picture...
With the exception of removing just under half of the old flooring , I did everything by myself (the removal of half of the flooring was done by Miguel when he randomly showed up in Corpus a few months back, which subsequently made the house inhabitable). I got help from lots of friends who were willing to watch the girls while I worked, but the actual installation was done 100% by me. I really hope all this work pays off when it comes time to sell...

1 comment:

crazy lady said...

That looks FABULOUS! You clever beast you. It must feel really great to have that checked off your list. You'll be showing and selling it in no time. Way to go girl!