Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I'd like to preface this post by stating that this will not be a very positive post. At all. So if you're looking for feel-good photos and stories, look elsewhere.

Yesterday I tallied up all my credit card debt. It was bad. I have not received child support since mid-November, and there's no light at the end of the tunnel in that regard. Shane's ex-wife "bought" their son a car for this birthday. After Dylan wrecked the vehicle, she could no longer afford the car payment and the insurance, so guess who got stuck with the car payment? That's right, Shane did. I tried to finally be a big girl and pay for my own auto insurance (I've been on mom and Chuck's policy since I was 16), and apparently my timing was bad. I thought I could handle it because I was due for a decent pay raise. Well, the pay raise takes care of the complete lack of child support, but does not take care of the auto insurance and extra car payment we've been stuck with.

Typically, when Miguel stops working, I make up the difference on credit cards, and then when I get my tax return, I pay off all the debt. Since we got married last year, I used a good chunk of the tax return to pay for the wedding, and only paid down part of my debt. So this year, my debt is worse, and since we're married, it appears as though I cannot file my taxes without adding Shane in. I've started my taxes, and tried to file without Shane and I cannot get the deductions/credits I need to get a decent return. Shane hasn't filed taxes in two years (how do I always end up with men who don't do their taxes???) and being single those two years, he owes money. So if I add him into my taxes, any return we may get is going to get eaten up in his back taxes. Effing awesome.

I don't have any raises in the future. I'm terrified that I may have to start paying back my student loans this year. Shane will be off salary at the car lot and on commission this month or next. After nearly three months of working at the Infinity lot, he has yet to sell an Infinity. So this worries me. It's hard to make commission when you're not selling anything. Hopefully tax return season will boost business.

I'm also worried because our 1-year homeowner warranty is up. I wanted to renew it, but I don't have $100 a month to do so. Our dishwasher is starting to make weird noises. The washer won't do a high spin anymore, so the clothes are soaking wet. The dryer won't work on high setting. The oven door doesn't shut all the way. The bottom drawer on the oven keeps falling off. The facing on the cupboards is falling off. Half the buttons on the microwave don't work.

The bottom line is this: I'm very worried about the financial aspect of 2013. But I'm glad that I have a loving, supportive husband and so thankful that my children are alive and well. It's not the end of the world if creditors starting calling, but if I lost one of them, that pretty much would be the end.  


Lost Woman said...

Wow, your home shield mus cost a lot more than mine.
Mine is $45 per month.
Not cheap, but half.

I'm just waiting for my heat/AC to go out.. that is the reason i keep it.

Anyway. Wishing you the best with all stresses financial and otherwise.

Hope you liked the fabric surprise box!

crazy lady said...

Oh man Missy! I should have checked this sooner! Why didn't you say something to me?
That is a lot hanging over your head.
I'm sorry :0(

michandler said...

I hope things look up for you. Somewhere in there is a silver lining. You just have to find. It DOES sound like you have the right perspective though. Those little girls and that cute husband are what is most important. Things will look up somehow. I will keep you in my prayers though missy! :-)