Saturday, February 16, 2013


Since Shane I met four years ago I have gained approximately 30 pounds. Which is particularly frustrating because I worked so hard to lose those 30 pounds after giving birth to Leyla.

So four weeks ago I joined a contest to help motivate me to change my ways. I've always been good about exercising but not so great about my eating habits. I thought I was doing pretty well but the fact that I was exercising so much and still carrying around so much fat in me realize I needed to fix my diet. So I started focusing on eating clean. If I can't easily pronounce an ingredient in the food then I will not eat that food.

So I've been paying very close attention to what I'm eating and when I'm eating it and have also stepped up my exercise. And you know what? It's working. Here
is a four week progress photo. The black bra is four weeks ago and the yellow bra is a couple days ago.

This last week I've hit a plateau. But looking at these photos makes me realize how much I've accomplished in four weeks and how much more I can accomplish in the next four weeks as long as I don't give up. I'm going to win $50,000!


crazy lady said...

That is pretty impressive Missy! Keep up the hard work. It IS making a difference.

Lost Woman said...

You are a tenacious one.

Not sure what you mean by eating clean, but if it involves loads of veggies and fruit I'm sure it is doing wonders, not just for how you look, but for making your body work well.

I don't know where $50,000 would come from but I hope whether you win or not you will be happy about your journey.


michandler said...

Good for you! Keep it up!!