2014 was a pretty amazing year for me. It's going to be a hard one to top. I guess I'll go ahead and make a list since that's what everything is about these days.
My favorite things about 2014...
1. My new job. I started working at Flint Hills Resoures in May as an Environmental Engineer. I love it. They encourage me to use my brain and welcome new ideas. The pay is pretty aweome, too. ;)
2. My first muscle-up. So awesome.
3. New family members: Bella, Chevy, Mr. Johanssen, Sally, and Sapphire.
4. Can finally do hand stand push-ups.
5. Lack of tragedy. Despite what you may hear from Shane, there were no real tragedies in our family this year. (Teenagers acting like butt-heads is an unfortunate reality, not so much a tragedy).
6. WhiteCap CrossFit. We have made some awesome friends through our box and are so happy to have a place where the whole family can go to workout and socialize. The members are our support group and we love 'em. Melody and Lulu have a special place in my heart.
7. Diving. The girls took up diving lessons this year, and it has been so fun to watch their progress every week.
8. My first Paleo Challenge. I started out the year signing up for an 8 week challenge at WCCF. I took it very seriously, lost some serious inches, won 1st place, and most importantly, got used to cooking every single meal. Meal prep has really eaten into my "free time," but I now how important it is, and I can feel good about what I put on the dinner table every night for my family.
9. Got my L-1
Looking forward...
I have never been one to set New Year's resolutions. I'm just not that person. But I do have a few goals for 2015.
CrossFit goals:
1.clean and jerk my bodyweight (I thought I got this one last year, but realized my math was wrong. Bummer).
2. Join the 300 club for my deadlift.
3. Get a ring muscle-up
And that's about it. I'd like to blog more often since facebook is turning into a huge joke. But I'm not going to hold my breath on that.
Last year was pretty good all in all eh?
Those physical goals sound good. I know you will be careful to take good care of your body. You have worked hard to get where you are.
Any plans for mental, artistic,social,emotional goals?
Goals for the girls? Family? Relationships???
I know that the food prep and exercise takes a LOT of time.
I sure would like to see you be able to squeeze in some creativity in there somewhere...
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