Saturday, July 4, 2009

That explains it

Whenever I try to fit a toddler t-shirt over Chloe's head, it's quite a struggle. So I measured her head. It's 20". I entered the measurement into a growth chart calculator thing, and she's in the in the 95th percentile, meaning her head is larger than 95% of all other girls her age. No wonder I can never get her shirts to fit over that huge noggin. Like an orange on a toothpick (note So I Married An Axe Murderer quote). I guess the big head gene skips a generation.

And on the other end of the spectrum, we have Leyla's weight. Below the 5th percentile. But right now she's doing a good job eating her cheesy rice and biscuit, so that's good. Maybe I need to feed her more ice cream. Now I'm just looking for excuses to keep junk food in the house :)


crazy lady said...

So you're saying Chloe may not "look" like me - but she does have the lovely enormous melon like thing going on. There are worse things than being called the "bigheaded sister"...
I think ice cream is in order pretty much any time :0)

Lindsy Hartsock said...

That's funny. Needing a break when you are a single mom does not make you a bad mom at all! I would seriously die if I was in your shoes but you just buck up and love your girls and that is what makes you a great mom, not a bad one :) Ps...I actually needed the break too and although I missed my boys, but was nice to have some "me" time.